The Stable Song | Lyrics | Gregory Alan Isakov

The Stable Song Lyrics by Gregory Alan Isakov, Get Scale, Tempo and other information of the song
The Stable Song Lyrics by Gregory Alan Isakov



Remember when our songs were just like prayers
Like gospel hymns that you called in the air
Come down, come down, sweet reverence
Unto my simple house and ring
And ring

Ring like silver, ring like gold
Ring out those ghosts on the Ohio
Ring like clear day wedding bells
Were we the belly of the beast or the sword that fell
We’ll never tell

Come to me, clear and cold, on some sea
Watch the world spinning waves, mad machine

Now I’ve been crazy couldn’t you tell
I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell
Now I’m covered up in straw, belly up on the table
Well I drank and sang, and passed in the stable

That tall grass grows high and brown
Well I dragged you straight in the muddy ground
And you sent me back to where I roam
Well I cursed and I cried, but now I know
Now I know

And I ran back to that hollow again
The moon was just a sliver back then
And I ached for my heart like some tin man
When it came, oh it beat, and it boiled, and it rang
Oh it's ringing

Ring like crazy, ring like hell
Turn me back into that wild haired gale
Ring like silver, ring like gold
Turn these diamonds straight back into coal
Turn these diamonds straight back into coal


"The Stable Song" lyrics is written by Gregory Alan Isakov. He also performed the song. The song is released in 2007.
Song Credits

    Song name - The Stable Song
    Artist - Gregory Alan Isakov
    Album - That Sea, the Gambler
    Production - Gregory Alan Isakov
    Lyrics – Gregory Alan Isakov
    Released – 28th, June, 2007

Scale and Tempo

    Scale : D Major
    Tempo : 138 BPM
    Camelot : 10B

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